Satisfactory Server Hosting
Try2 days free. No credit card required.
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All our servers come with
Human support
Full file access
7-day refund policy
At least 128gb RAM
Simple control panel
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I didn't have to do a thing
I didn't have to do a thing! True plug and play. Low ping! Easy connection! And best of all, it hasn't crashed in the last 48 hours. The trial period is just icing on the cake.
Stewart McIntosh
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Try their trial. It just works.
After 2 weeks of frustration with another satisfactory server provider, I decided to take Indifferent Broccoli up on their 48-hour trial. After loading in our current save game, 6 hours later I had entered my card details and was happily playing lag-free, with no rubber banding, and no items doing random stuff on belts. Apart from the standard to be expected Satisfactory dedicated server bugs you will feel like you are playing a game locally.
Emry Kinney
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Clean Experience and Responsive Staff
So, I'd been looking around for servers to use and found low.ms from a youtuber. After some reddit reviews it seemed fine so I picked it up. It was fine, but I needed to do some troubleshooting and found Indifferent Broccoli, holy cow, this is WAAAAAAAAAAAY miles on miles way nicer than the other services I was looking at.
Why host Satisfactory with a broccoli?
At indifferent broccoli, we know that hosting your Satisfactory dedicated server can be a pain. But we're here to make it easy for you. Our high-performance hardware and friendly support staff on Discord ensure a smooth gaming experience for you and your friends.
Our user-friendly control panel makes it easy to launch your server with one-click. And if you ever need assistance building your epic factory, our support team is available 24/7 to help.
But let's be real, we don't really care if you host your Satisfactory server with us or not. We're just here to provide a hassle-free hosting experience for those who want it. If you want to enjoy Satisfactory without worrying about server management, give us a try. If not, that's chill too. Read the reviews of gamers who did choose us on Trustpilot.

Guides from our broccolipedia
See all-
How to Upload a Save to Your Satisfactory Server
If you have an existing save and you want to continue it on our servers, this is the guide for you.
How to Fix the Timeout Error on Your Satisfactory Server
If you are receiving a timeout error, it means your computer took too long to load/save the game. This guide will show you how to fix it.
How to Join Your Satisfactory Server
Learn how to set up your authentication password and add your server to the server browser.
Industrializing the alien frontier
From drop pod to mega factories
Satisfactory thrusts you onto an alien planet with a mission from FICSIT Inc.: explore, build machines, and automate resource extraction. Starting with minimal tools, you must navigate the vast wilderness, collect resources, and industrialize the entire planet. Embark on an immersive journey on Massage-2(AB)b, a 30km2 alien planet, where creativity knows no bounds.
Don't go alone
While building on your own is rewarding, this game is better with fellow Pioneers. Assign one player to discover the planet's unique fauna. Direct someone else to construct multi-story factories. Collaborate to design automated conveyor belts together.
A blueprint for success
Draw inspiration from the Satisfactory community. Create your own blueprints or download popular designs from sites like Satisfactory Blueprints. Combine Railway Junctions, Power Lines, and Foundations with the game's blueprint designer.
Frequently asked questions
Yes. Satisfactory is a multiplayer factory simulation game. It is more fun with friends. You can host a Satisfactory server on your own hardware or rent a server from us. Hosting a Satisfactory server with indifferent broccoli only takes one click.
The default ports are 15777, 15000, and 7777, but you can specify a different game port and query port. When you rent a server from indifferent broccoli, we handle the port forwarding. You do not need to configure anything. You click Launch 2-Day Free Trial. We give you your private IP address and ports. Done.
Yes. You can host on your own PC. However, hosting a Satisfactory dedicated server is a resource-intensive. We recommend renting from a hosting provider like indifferent broccoli. That way, you can focus optimizing your factory, not your port forwarding, networking, and memory usage.
Yes. Crossplay is possible. You have two options: use your session IDs or link your EPIC account to the game. Your EPIC friends will appear in your friends list.
Hosting a Satisfactory server costs at least $12.99/month. Our largest plan is $32.99/month for 64 players. We price our plans based on the max player count--not RAM. Each of our plans offer unlimited RAM and DDoS protection.
Satisfactory requires at least 12GB RAM to run smoothly. If you're building a complex factory with interweaving conveyor belts, then it requires even more. That is why we offer uncapped RAM. Note: Satisfactory is still in Early Access, so your game may face stuttering even with our high-end hardware.
To minimize latency for you and your friends, our servers are located in California (NA-West), Texas (NA-Central), Montreal (NA-East), and Germany (EU).
How do I host multiplayer Satisfactory?
With indifferent broccoli
Running your Satisfactory server is simple.
- Enter your email and password
- Select your plan size and region
- Press the 'Launch 2-Day Free Trial' button
- Enjoy your new server
Without indifferent broccoli
Running a Satisfactory dedicated server is... complicated.
System Requirements
You need a 64-bit architecture AMD or Intel CPU (i.e. any relatively modern AMD or Intel 64-bit CPU) with 12GB minimum RAM, 25GB storage, and a broadband internet connection. The server favors higher single-core performance over multiple cores.
Note that there are currently no plans for an ARM CPU-compatible build, so the Dedicated Server cannot be deployed to, for instance, a Raspberry Pi or new Microsoft Surface Pro. Additionally, the Dedicated Server is not showing in the desktop Steam client's Tools section for people who do not own the game client on Steam, but Coffee Stain is currently working with Valve to resolve this issue.
You can install the server from your Steam library or use SteamCMD.
For Linux:
steamcmd +force_install_dir ~/SatisfactoryDedicatedServer +login anonymous +app_update 1690800 -beta public validate +quit
For Windows:
steamcmd.exe +force_install_dir C:\GameServers\SatisfactoryServer +login anonymous +app_update 1690800 -beta public validate +quit
Experimental branch selection: To download the Experimental branch of the Dedicated Server, add -beta experimental to the end of your SteamCMD command line.
Epic Games: You can install Dedicated Server Tool DLC by visiting the Epic Games Store Page and adding Dedicated Server Tool add-on to your library.
You'll need to foward UDP ports 15777, 15000, and 7777
Starting the server
You can launch the dedicated server from Steam, which will open a terminal window in which you can review the logs in real time.
Alternatively, to start the Dedicated Server from the command line, navigate to its installation directory and run the command below in Command Prompt or PowerShell (Windows) or Terminal (Linux):
FactoryServer.exe -log -unattended